Current EU legislation requires that all website operators must let users know if, when and how they are using cookies and that they obtain the user's consent to the usage of cookies.
Please read this Cookie Policy carefully for more details about the cookies we place and the information we collect when you use our websites.
This Cookie Policy details in a comprehensive form how Cotonificio Olcese Ferrari S.p.A. uses cookies on its websites.
Cookie consent
If you visit our website, if your current browser settings accept cookies, and if you continue to use our website, we generally consider this to constitute a consent in the Cotonificio Olcese Ferrari S.p.A. use of cookies as described in this Cotonificio Olcese Ferrari S.p.A. Cookie Policy.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files placed by your browser on your device in order to store certain information. Using the information that is stored and returned, a website can recognize that you have previously accessed and visited it using the browser on your end device. We use this information to arrange and display the website optimally in accordance with your preferences. Within this process, only your device identify the cookie itself. Personal data is only stored following your express consent or where it is needed the access by you of the service we provided.
Which cookies do we use and for what purposes?
Our website only uses cookies to grant and make easier your visit to it, and to collect information about your visits in an anonymous and aggregate form. We do not use profiling cookies. Our website does not allowed the set-up of third party cookies with the only exception of Google Analytics cookies.
How can I withdraw my cookie consent and change my cookie settings?
In order to do so, you will need to disable/delete your cookies.
Your internet browser allows you to change your cookie settings. You can typically find such browser settings for cookies in the “options”, “tools” or “preferences” menu of your Internet browser. You may also consult the browser´s “help” menu. Different browsers may use different mechanisms to disable cookies.
Please consult the below links for more details on how to manage your cookie settings:
For further information about the deletion or blocking of cookies, please consult: or